Friday, 23 May 2014

I'm writing this post so I can post the next one

I've wanted to start blogging for some time. There's a lot of stuff on the internet and in real life that is interesting and that I could be a part of. Plus, creative outlet, trying something new, writing experience, Amanda Fucking Palmer says to try to make art, etc.
But there's also barriers, the practical "think of a name that isn't taken and choose a platform and do i need a pseudonym" type ones and the "do i need a defined topic"/"fear of failure"/"other people already say everything great" biggies.
It turns out that what has really driven me to it is the need to process why something was bugging me - to "analyse my own impressions" to paraphrase G.K.Chesterton (and in no other way do I compare myself to a fictional Catholic priest).
So, I do not know what this blog will define itself as - hopefully some sort of curation and some sort of thinking and writing about original stuff, too. I don't want to constrain subject matter, because where would be the fun and learning in that? Let diversity of interests rule. 

[Sidenote: This first post-intro post feels like it's way too trivial and slight to really be the first content post of a blog, but think of it as the straw for the camel. I did try the non-committal way of Facebook Notes, but found that "public" does not actually mean public but "we only count people with a Facebook account as the public", so had to move to a proper blogspace. Hence, this is all somewhat basic and rushed and a Friday afternoon job.]

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